Saturday, July 16, 2011

High Tech for the Commoner.... I'm Lovin It.

As usual, I was poking around the web reading about something TOTALLY UNRELATED when I discovered the niftiest thing EvAR! Or at least, the niftiest thing of this five minutes. I'm sure everyone has seen 3D modeling utilized on TV in some way or another. I think I first watched a program about 3D carving or etching used to make accurate topographical maps or even architectural models. Very cool but its not like I'm ever going to be able to play around with that kind of technology. The things I would make. I say that and yet seriously, what would I make??? I'm not sure. It just the POWER of it all. I just want the option to snap my fingers and have my will done by a machine to make some awesome object of my imagination. Well apparently, even I could do that as long as the snapping was accompanied by some mouse clicking.

BEHOLD.....Shapeways et al.

The Basic Concept.... Whaaa??? That is Neat.

Oh the possibilities....and luckily there is some competition so perhaps with some shopping, a good deal can be found.

Another company is I.Materialize.

One chicky is using this technique on etsy (which is where I first discovered that a mere mortal had access to this kind of thing).

She makes pretty little planters so anyone who has a pet plant can take it with them anywhere. OR, someone like ME who likes to steal leaf cuttings to propagate plants for free can increase their success rate. Her shop can be found here.