Friday, June 24, 2011

Cold, Cold, Getting Warm, Warmer!

I can't take credit for this, but it is amazing No? I found it on the blog of J. Rothman.
My hold up is that I can't find a spider that I like. I can't draw worth a crap and I really prefer it to be metal. HMMMMMMm of AnNoYANce!

However, this image by Shane Waltener is pretty to look at and quite toasty.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh What a Tangled Web we Weave....

I have been thinking a lot lately (Nothing unusual there) and have been encouraged by a fellow Raveler to resurrect my blog. You see, I have lots and lots of projects going on all the time but have completely neglected writing about them.

On the topic of Itsy Knitsies, I have been recently inspired by the Spider. I sincerely hope not to knit a "tangled" web per-say and it will definitely be free of deception. Ironically, deception is exactly what spider webs are all about. Not really my cup of tea however and I think I have concluded a non-painful outlet for my tiny interest. Itsy Knitsies should be Itty Bitty! Duh?! I think I kinda screwed my ambition over the first time by making something relatively large for the scale I was working at. Yes, yes - it was for a MOST IMPORTANT contest but seriously, that was a bit much for a first go-round.

Second, what to do with an itty bitty FO? I am thinking in terms of abstract swatches which are good for nothing and are usually the ground work for larger works. All these ideas congealed quite nicely into a most literal translation of the aforementioned. TeeHee. If you haven't guessed - well I'm not telling. This idea is definitely a mole hill and suspense will at least slightly turn it into a mountain. ;)

P.S. Did you know aforementioned was one word? I typed afore by itself and was slapped on the wrist by spellcheck. The correct spelling seems to be very strange and long.

Picture: "Spider Woman" by Susan Seddon Boulet