Monday, October 11, 2010

New Project: Pysanky

I am on the hunt for an electric kistka. I found this video to be interesting. Although Pysanky is most often associated with Easter it was originally a pagan art. I have been researching patterns from many different cultures and hope to become proficient at pysanky.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Disgustingly Beautiful

I absolutely become repulsed by the killing of animals for fashion. Its just the epitome of frivolous massacre and torture. I am however, intrigued by the furniture below. My imagination is swept away to a land far far away in a time long ago. In my mind these creations were used by tribal royalty. However, they have actually been formed in the here and now and its just disgusting. The aligator skins are not attractive to me at all, even ignoring the cruelty factor. The tails thrown in here and there just look out of place. Creativity wise, these things are very extreme.

More can be seen here.

Tiny Bubbles.....or errrr Costumes?

In a random fit of googling through ancient costume images I found modern day miniature costume creator Serena Partridge. Too cool!